Pula 3 Beta 2

Pula 3 Beta 2

(For Classic level skipping, go to settings and click the LTTP button)

Gameplay changes:

-2 New Chapters (1 More to go): Added Encircled and Frontlines

-Added a primitive Save/Load system (it's still quite buggy and has only 1 slot)

-Explosions now fade in and fade out and last 7ms shorter

-Added 1 NEW Enemy type: Agent - He moves as quickly as the player and shoots quickly (because of the SMG1) but he has lower HP

Fixed bugs:

-Fixed bug in Act III where you could switch charaters in the middle of a SPECIAL effect (and thus stacking SPECIALs)

-Fixed bug in Act III where shooting left would cause x2 damage

-Enemy sniper hitbox is no longer 2x larger than the ball man

-Markus's double firing sound has been restored

-Fixed bug in which snipers could shoot through crates

-Fixed bug in which SMG2 ammo would pass through enemies


Pula 3 Beta 2 198 MB
Jan 30, 2024

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