Pula 3 v1.4: The Diverse Update

a Pula 3 Major Update has been Released! The Diverse Update


Limited Mobile Port:

-Pula 3 is now Playable on Mobile!
-Arcade Mode is the only fully functional gamemode, Story Mode is unavailable
-Because of the wider view, The Mobile port is slightly zoomed in


-Added Low Graphics Mode to Settings

Low Settings:

-Game runs at 80% Resolution

-Decorative Leaves,Rocks, Snow Piles, Craters, Dirt Patches and Decorative Doors are removed

-Shadows are Disabled

-Water Animations are disabled

Arcade Mode:

-Better Arcade Menu

-Added Legendary Crates that recover HP and Ammo

-Added a NEW Part to the Loadout system, Classes:

There are 5 Classes: (Detailed info in-game)

1. Normal (Balanced gameplay)

2. Heavy (Slower gameplay and more HP)

3. Light (Faster gameplay and less HP)

4. Joker (Risky gameplay)

5. Healer (Passive Healing but low HP)

-Added a 1 NEW map:

Kotar (It's a snowy forest map with a lake in the middle)

-Added a NEW Gamemode which can be selected from the main menu:

Deathmatch - First player to get 20 Kills wins                      
                           - Rewarded XP is equal to 1 Kill = +4XP

Story Mode:

-New Shifting Tutorial in Prolouge

-New Shifting Particles


-You can now fire with Q and R

Q= Fire Left

R= Fire Right

Minor Changes:

-2nd War Bossfight has been made easier (Less enemies and lower boss health)

-The Solo Shoot-out in Prolouge is shorter (You need 20 Kills, Not 25)

-Increased Crate spawns in Arcade

-When you run out of ammo you get a gun clicking noise


-Fixed some shadows not being cast on the player (In Act 1)

-The Menu speed you have chosen will be remebered the next time you launch the game

-You can no longer go out-of-bounds in the second level of UA Chapter

-Fixed clipping issues with the Black van in Prolouge

-Made the metal door "puzzle" easier

-In Arcade the player drops ammo packs like all other enemies

-In Arcade fixed the problem where you would get earraped after you die

-Pula Park wooden floor pattern has been fixed


Pula 3 v1.4.zip 64 MB
61 days ago
Pula 3 v1.4 (Limited Mobile Port) - Recommended.apk 75 MB
61 days ago
Pula 3 v1.4 (Limited Mobile Port) - Compatibility.apk 134 MB
61 days ago

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