Pula v2.0 Demo 8!

Major Changes:


-Next update will start work on Arcade

Minor Changes:

-Added back compression (otherwise this game would now be 250mb!)

-Audio changer is now a slider

-Added back the BCS Intro

-Removed shortucut that put you from the main menu into Prolouge instantly

-All bosses now switch sides naturally without teleporting

-There is now a 4% chance that the yellow car will be orange or blue

-When you pause now all sounds are paused and not stopped.

     for example: When playing a boss the song will now not play from the start but will just resume from the last point

Bug Fixes:

-Fixed bug in which the stats would show "shots fired" as a decimal number

-In the ND level with the palm trees the half-wall you can now see your bullets when shooting above them

Important Bug:

We are aware of a bug that in the Final boss for the Revolution ending that the final boss after ~2min Mark starts going through walls

and making him hard to kill. We tried anything and we can't fix it yet.


Also we have ressurected our Dirscord Server. Link is on our profile!


Pula 2 v2.0 DEMO 8 86 MB
Nov 28, 2022

Get Pula 2

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