Pula v2.0 Demo 7 Released ! ! !

The seventh demo has finally come out after almost an entire month!!!

New major content:

-Added NEW Chapter for Loyal story : Nearly Done (ND)

-Added NEW Chapter for Betrayer story: Battle for Pula (BfP)

Minor changes:

-Made the NB skip intro button look more like a skip button

-Bosses can now turn just like the player can, except the NB boss that can still only shoot right

-Boss Healthbars now look nicer

-Added "skip defend level" in the skip menu for BO2W (Loyal)

-In the ESC chapter changed Nicks dialouge to something shorter

-In the ESC chapter swaped the grenade launcher with an LMG (Light Machine gun)

-Sound effect for shooting LMG is now quieter

-Added "Toggle Fullscreen" option in the settings

-Nerfed the ESC Defend level

Bug fixes:

-More objects are now bouncable

-Fixed bug in ESC chapter in the defend level because of which the heavy enemies wouldn't die when shot from the behind

-Fixed Windows 11 bug in which layers wouldn't be displayed correctly (For the NB Chapter)

-Fixed bug in the Begining of the 2nd level of BOW2 (Loyal) in which you would see a visual bug on top of the screen (Legacy wall clipping from outside the screen)


Pula 2 v2.0 DEMO 7
Nov 02, 2022

Get Pula 2

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